"As a pastor I'm always thinking of ways to encourage my congregation to bring their questioning or non church friends to an event. However, they and their friends
often don't have any interest in many of the events that churches run to introduce people to the gospel as they can seem forced or potentially confrontational. Theo's Feast however encourages them to come for a unique event, a five star meal."
– Pastor Ryan McDonald
Assoc. Pastor of English Ministries
Burnaby Pacific Grace Church
"The presentation, with the informative introduction to each course, eye-catching arrangement of food and encouraged table conversation, created an inspiring atmosphere with open-ended discussion."
– Dave Love
"I was amazed at the uniqueness, the quality and quantity of food, which I must say was very satisfying. I was truly satiated both physically and spiritually."
– Garth Hatton, Outreach Chairman of York Maranatha Christian Reformed Church, York Ontario
"It has been a pleasure to work with Gary on developing a Science & Faith feast. The synergy between ideas and food delivers a series of edible metaphors that reflect well on the harmony between science and faith."
– Canadian Science – Mark McEwan, Project Development Officer, and Christian Affiliation
"This has been one of the best experiences I have ever had in my life!"
"It was simply amazing. I was so touched. I never knew that food could be related to such spiritual matters."
"It changed the way I look at some things that I used to think of as ordinary, can truly be extraordinary."